Friday, May 19, 2006

The KGB has ways of getting you to post . . .

. . . like, you know, asking nicely.

EMAW_KC over at 3 O'Clock in the Morning, the host of the Kansas Guild of Bloggers, asks us other KGBers to remind our readers to submit something for inclusion in this Monday's KGB Carnival. You don't have to be a Kansan or have a post about Kansas or anything of the sort. We're pretty open-border that way. Just send in something you wouldn't be ashamed of having total strangers come look at . . . oh, um . . . when y'all come visit good old Blog Meridian, just stay in the parlor, and just know that you open the hall closets and that back-bedroom door at your peril.


Anonymous said...

But, like, is there a theme or anything?

John B. said...

Nope--no theme, except, "Here's the best I got for you this week."