Monday, November 14, 2005

While I am away . . .

Work and other matters have kept me/will keep me away from the Meridian for a while. In the meantime, though, as you ponder that today is the anniversary of the U.S. publication of Moby-Dick, here are a couple of things I'll be pondering and will address "soon":

This button--
Are you in the Blogger Limelight?
--indicates that over at BitterSweet Life, Ariel has asked people to think about and post on the question, "What makes a 'great' reader?" Which, of course, is another way of asking what it means to "read."

Other things I've been pondering and will be posting on:
*Apropos of this post at Mannequin Hands, the disappearing(?) concept of "decorum" in public space.
*The sheer beauty of Kansas sunsets.
*Why my dog Scruffy rubs his nose when I get dressed in the mornings to take him for his walk.
*Some musings on Arcade Fire.

Thanks as always for continuing to read.

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