Wednesday, September 05, 2007

More hitting, less missing

PhD Comics, via this at Acephalous (click on image to enlarge)

There are days, such as those when I'm asked what my dissertation was/is about, when the words in the final panel hit closer to home than I might find comfortable.


If, as was the case in my most recent post, I'm reduced to posting about guacamole, let that be a sign to my reader(s) that my already-shallow well of inspiration is a bit muddy just now. At least the guacamole was pretty good.

Until the rains come along to raise the water table 'round these parts, though, here are a couple more places you can go where not only is the water clear but the grass is cow-belly high:

Over at Varieties of Unreligious Experience, Conrad asks a question that I, good 'Murrikin that I am, hadn't realized needed asking: Why does one, traditionally, raise one's pinky while drinking tea? (Italics his, to indicate, I suppose, the urgency of this question, an underpinning on which rests Civilization itself). Responses flood in, in intellectually-gussied-up Just So Stories fashion.

Jim of The New York Minute has awakened from his most recent blogospheric slumber and has re-posted some "recent" things. Long-time readers probably weary of hearing this from me, but it bears repeating: Go. Read. Him. Now.


Anonymous said...

simple physics. it helps balance the weight of a delicate tea cup... and remind one that they could be drinking coffee.

I once spent most of a summer iso a good cup of coffee... tea... has its place but.... globalization has changed all that, plus there is a bridge over the loch so there is no time to drink tea on the ferry... sigh

Cordelia said...

Uh, the cartoon: "Us social scientists use..." ??? Hmmm. We humanities folk know the difference between a subject and a direct object, and, I daresay, so do the social scientists of my acquaintance.

John B. said...

dd and Cordelia, thanks for dropping by.

dd, it's indeed lamentable that even in places where you'd think people should know better, there creeps in on little cat feet an implicit devaluing of the virtues of Slowing Down.

Cordelia, I hear you. I'm not going to defend either the grammar or the implicit claim that social scientists are barbarians. Indeed, some of my colleagues in such fields are a bit more insistent on some matters of correctness than (I think) they absolutely need to be. And yes, I recognize that that attitude right there might make me appear to be in some eyes part of the problem rather than the solution, but I'll have to offer a defense some other time.