Thursday, September 06, 2007

Rest in Peace


wasn't my introduction to Pavarotti, but his singing this in front of Pope John Paul II on his visit to (I believe) Chicago many years ago was one of the more sublime moments I've ever witnessed on television. (This is not that specific performance, by the way.)

William Faulkner once said that he wanted on his headstone, "He wrote the books, and then he died." He didn't get his wish. It won't be the case with Pavarotti, either, especially today, but in some ways I'm glad that just about all I know about him is that voice of his. Little gets in the way of my just hearing it.

UPDATE: Via Delights for the Ingenious comes this: funny, not at all mean-spirited . . . indeed, I'd argue, it's quite an affectionate tribute.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm definitely with you on this. I love his voice. Tonight I played it loudly.